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This moment was a real culmination for me, I have never seen this live in my life.
I flew out of the elevator on the 1st floor from a "low start". It was like running a hundred meters, a friend was already waiting for me by the road, and again the thought flashed through me: "Really ... lucky !?" In general, all day I was on my feet and ran back and forth around the city like crazy.
I decided to refresh the feelings of old years: I paid for the entrance and went inside. The room was a long wide corridor, on both sides of the walls hung “crooked mirrors”. I looked into one of them - in the mirror I saw a small fat me with a big nose on the floor of my face. Other mirrors also represented my reflection in a bizarre form: in one I am tall with long arms and legs, in another I look like an orangutan, in the third I look like a crocodile, here I was twisted like after a night of frantic banquet, and this is a simple mirror, it does not distort, but it makes you understand that you are who you are and you don’t need to try to change yourself contrary to nature.
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“On the contrary, it’s okay,” he said as he walked into the hall and still didn’t take his eyes off me.
And you are especially happy today, is there a reason?
I was a little struck by the wording, words like “perverted” and “fuck”, so my mother had not spoken to me yet. And what she knows about dirty feet ... She could only find out from one place. my browser. My fantasy correspondence. The fact that she liked it, and the fact that she probably also saw my gigabyte archives with cockgirls - oh ... And if she jerked off on them and finished off my monitor and table ... I remember that there were some strange stains on them ... God ... she really did it. My roof was torn off at that moment, from the realization of all this. I abruptly hugged her, and began to advance my shaft into her vagina. Her testicles were flattened on my pubis, and the cock rested tightly on my stomach and even reached my chest, which at once brought me from such closeness and friction of her trunk against my torso.
I just lay down tired and watched them, Max quietly walked around her from behind, spread his buttocks and skillfully entered the first time. Yes, he got to the fullest ... Galchonok as if off the chain, she pressed on him with all her might, he just sat, stroking her hips, but she tried in every possible way to plant more and more. They finished at the same time...
Not in this sense.
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